Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wide Awake!

What a cold morning everyone! Good day! I just got home from the bar, and I still can't sleep yet. I'm playing Left 4 Dead 2. I'm craving for coffee right now. I've already finished 1 cup lately, while watching Child's Play 3 at the bar... Oh! I missed that movie. It's my favorite since I was little. Got me thinking because I have a bandmate before who just look like Chuckie, we also tagged him as Chuckie.

The streets are quite deserted this morning, there only few customers where Tez used to work. Funny thing is, Tez's partner at work...a gay person was very drunk! We were wondering if where he was because we didn't see him for hours since he and his gay friends drink a couple of rounds. We were wondering why the comfort room is lock. The bouncer ask me for the key because I was the one left in-charged since Tez was doing the dishes. He opened the door and found out, him sitting on the toilet bowl! Sleeping like a baby. The most disgusting part is he had his lips on the sink where the customers vomit! Damn.! I took some pictures, I'll upload it soon i get the chance.

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Feeling...

Hi guys! Just woke up. I have a terrible headache lately, but I'm better now... I already took my medicine.
I wasted another day of my life. This day is like a trash, got nothing to do. Plus this stupid head of mine hurts so badly. I slept the whole day since we don't have driving lessons. I went to a friend's house to fetch my guitar amplifier that's been stuck there for weeks. Oh God! I miss playing my guitar, since i got obsessed with my drums and the internet. It's really different now since I quit the band, things are so different. I feel my life so lonely, me and my friends don't used to hang out anymore. College is really different, got people expecting the best of you, depending on you. I guess this was just the start of being in the real life, you gotta be independent. I miss highschool! I miss being a little kid, when you can still turn and cry to your mum anytime you're hurt. Don't need anything, or wanting some things, just a piece of candy and a mum's attention and cuddle can already make you a happy. The only reason why I'm still holding on is the hope in me, me being with already makes me happy. Sometimes I feel like I wanna burst out in rage, in tears, I want to scream and smash things up. I want to break away. Life is really stressing when there's a lot of pressure, from all the people around. I'm so lucky I have Tez, who makes me smile, keeps bugging me when I'm in my silent zone. *sigh __ what would I do in my life without her..?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Sweetest Sin

When I met her we are really the total opposite of each other. My childhood friend introduced her to me in the bar where she work as a cashier. At first she ignored me, she had a lone time with her herself... Later I've found out that she was pissed off by an old vendor who was attracted to her, I laugh it off because the guy was old...
She was a silent, serious type of person when I met her. She was not that attractive but I got her number anyway.
Few weeks past since we met, me and my ex-girlfriend broke up due to the third-party issues because she had a bigtime sugar daddy. I broke up with her through text.
I was with her in the bar when that happened, I told her I broke up with my girlfriend and then i smiled. She smiled back and didn't said a word. I cracked a joke about her being my girlfriend. She smiled, feelin' humiliated. She was feelin' shy about me in the first place til i found out from my childhood friend that this girl was attracted about me. My friend suggested me to court Tez because she was concern that i might be depressed with the break-up thing, and Tez doesn't have boyfriend for years(afraid of being heart broken). I just smiled and stared away Next thing I did for the first time, I keep texting Tez, asking her where she was and i keep on following her around. Until i have finally said the words, she's feelin' uneasy at first but finally gave in. I was just playing at her because we're not compatible... She's 4 years older than me, she's mature and responsible, and I am not. Weeks passed, i tried to ignore her, i ignored her texts. i didn't text her for a week. My friend came to me asking what's wrong, Tez is worried why I couldn't make it up to her. That evening, I finally showed up at her working place. I greeted her, she smiled at me, something like a sad smile. Then I started to explain and everything fall into place.
I said to myself, maybe she's the one I've been waiting for, a mature, decent girl. She didn't prove me wrong, our love was amazing. First time in my life, she made me feel how was it like to be loved. She's like a mother, a friend and a wife to me. Even now we've been together for almost 2 years now, Even if we have to much fighting and problems. Still I see her sincerity, the only girl who loved and accepted me for who and what I am...

Tez and I =)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lady Gaga Acapella Medley Multitrack (Just Dance, Poker Face, Chillin, & Paparazzi)

No! I'm not a Lady Gaga fan but this is awesome! Cool acapella version!

Download mp3 here:

Meth = Hell

What more typical drug that can eat you alive?
I discovered Methamphetamine on Youtube. Street names are Speed, Crank, Chalk, Crystal, Fire, Glass, Ice, Tweak, Uppers, Yaba or simply called as Meth. It is the mother of all drugs. It's more powerful, makes you do things you've never done when your normal. It is cheaper and easy to cook with the ingredients of over-the-counter drugs and other chemicals. Police reports of Meth lab can be cooked at the basement but very dangerous cause of hazardous chemicals.

Impact of Meth are tooth decay and degeneration of the gums, also called as meth mouth.

Other side effects of Meth increases blood pressure that result heart failure and stroke.. Paranoia, affects the users thinking and outburst of extreme behavior. Not only the user can be affected but also the people around him/her. Most Meth victim experienced the feeling that bugs crawling beneath their skin, so they go tearin' their skin up resulting to scratches and wounds, other thinks there's someone after them, seeing shadows that wants to kill 'em. Their brain don't function normally. They don't sleep for days and still have the energy to work. Many police cases of Meth users commit suicide. Others die accidentally due to the malfunction of the brain. Some people use Meth for boost of energy for their work, girls are attracted to use to loose weight, others are just influenced by friends and wanted just fit in. For what reason you could be addicted, it'll follow a sudden depression.

You can be addicted in just one try. It's not only life you'll lose, also your home, family and friends.

Montana Meth Ads

I'm Having A Free Drum Lessons!

Hurray.! I finally have the chance to improve my drumming skills. An acquaintance of mine, Ken. He was a skilled drummer who currently teaches drums in Davao city, he also play in a band before but quit to concentrate at his job at Kalye Uno Bar as a manager. We unexpectedly met again at one of the music studio(my neighbor actually) just a few houses from home. I invited him to come over cause i need my kit to be tuned. So he show off a little of his drumming, and taught me 2 drum exercises for me to practice. He volunteer to be my drum coach. Appointment was ready to set if he have a free time.

I'm currently studying some drum techniques on Youtube:

Wish me luck guys!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Stupid Friend of Mine!

I have this friend way back in high school, he's a very good guitar player, but to think on the other side...He's so dumb! He always got low grades in school. He got attitude. He always complains, He's always bugging me on facebook, demanding to remove all my posts that affects his page. I mean, what the hell?! Isn't facebook a networking site? He doesn't want to be tagged because he can't see his uploaded vids of his favorite band...f^ck! He's praising them like a God??to make him look coll BUT HE ACTUALLY SUCK! He is such a pain in the ass! I find him hard to get along, even some of his friends don't like him but can't tell it to his face.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Open your eyes!

It's really sad to think that 100,000 of people died and reported missing when earthquake strike on Haiti. Death really comes at a time when you least expect it. Sad to say that some of the victims are Filipino. Some of the countries donated food, medical supplies and shelter for the victim. Haven't you think about it that these people only see what's wrong when something happened? Do you remember Bagyong Ondoy that destroyed many properties and families in the Philippines? Businessman & politicians took care of these actions when many have already died. Some donated thousands and millions of money. But on ordinary days, they go corrupting the taxes, feed the nation with promises but we haven't seen the output of it.We're lucky, cause we don't need to suffer each day. We always have food on our plate. People starve to death, each day...some dies, and that's worst than to die a sudden death.What could be next? Do we need to wait for an incident like this to happen before we take actions?

Monday, January 11, 2010

My Slap Story...

SLAPSHOCK: Chi Evora, Jerry Basco, Jamir Garcia, Lee Nadela & Lean Ansing

What would a fan could ever wish for?
I'm a die hard fan of Slapshock since i was a little kid. I'm in the first grade when i was first introduced in the world of rock. My sister who studied at the University of San Carlos somewhen in year 2000, she got influenced to the sub-culture of Cebu, also know as the city of musicians. She brought some cds at home, at first i don't understand the defintion of rock. I love hiphop music that time, and what soothes me most is Slapshock is a 5 piece Rap-metal band. Both hiphop and rock on the mix. I got influenced by Slapshock's drummer Chi Evora, He was my favorite drummer since then. I collected all of their cds, from 4rth Degree burn up to Carino Brutal. Slapshock reminds me of my childhood memories. I've been to their concert at Digos stadium last December 20, 2005 and at Bluepost II, Davao last December 19, 2007. Luckily I had a chance to talk to them and got my pants signed cause i haven't brought my cds then, and i had some posters given by Jamir and got Lean's Dickies wristband with a Slapshock logo on it. It was the most unforgetable moments of my life. Sad to say, Jerry had  to left the band, but hope he'll be back soon. He was replaced by Bj temporarily(as the band says). The last time i've heard Jerry was on their gig on Dubai Desert Rockfest. After that, haven't heard about him. It's been a long time since i haven't write on their forum. He's not even included for the US tour and the Carino Brutal cd cover. I've listened to this band as their music evolved. They are really different from the other bands out there, they're being professional not only as a band but as a musician. They don't disappoint Slapshock fans, they gave us more and more. They continue to write and create music, to feed us with their undying passion for music. They've already gone a long way to the top. Gathered fans not only in the Philippines but on the US and other countries.

Left4Dead 2

An answered prayers! Left4dead is up again with a new face, Left4Dead 2... It's face smashing hit to relieve stress and at the same time enjoy killing zombies on the game. I f^ckin love this game! it helps me release stress and pressure.. With new survivor and infected characters. New weapons are now available to slash the infected, It's more bloody hell than i expect it. This is the only game that can reach my imaginition of slashing someone, it really feels good...when you can't release you anger and hatred. Try it on something else, like this game. Just wanna share you the thrill!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's Monday!

Greetings everyone, just got out from Literature class. I got home early, browsing the internet. I dropped my Rizal class scheduled 5:30-7:00PM, that's why I only got one scheduled on Mondays and Wednesdays class. It's been a week now since i made this blog... Since last week is the checking of this blog, I wonder how's my grade going on, I've put on so much thoughts, ideas, and effort for this project. I also enjoy posting any kinds of stuffs here. Even though my English is complicated... Watch out for more of my post, I'm beginning to enjoy blogging. I'll be posting more reviews of movies, songs and some stories and songs i wrote.  I hope Mr. Diaz would give me a good grade. Even though i don't like listening to any discussions, i just want it hands on, i just want to see my own product. I'm more on creative stuffs more than studying. Examination is fast approaching, gotta study my lessons in able to get a high grade to catch up.

I don't really had a goodnight sleep last night, I had a terrible migrane which made it harder for me to sleep. I had this hereditay allergies called Skin Asthma or also know as  Dermatitis, sadly there's no cure for this disease, my doctor said i have minor migrane because of my allergies, I also have this rashes coming out..Well it sucks, I woke up in the middle of the night because of the itchness.

Life sucks!

I've been so upset lately, I've realized that life is too short to bring out the best of it. I wonder how it feels on the other side, how it feels when you're already dead. I think it's better to die, you can't feel anything in an endless sleep. Than to live a life that's killing you everyday, i feel like dying...the loneliness and pressure, it's killing me everyday. I had this question in my mind.. If God loves most those who suffer, then why can't I feel it? Isn't life the greatest gift from Him? People live, go to school, get a job, face life,and wait to die. I want to live with no worries...Sometimes i wish i was never been born at all. I guess i was destined to be stuck in this suck fest! I've tried so hard, to make people happy, to make them to like me... But i guess they don't value that at all. All my life, I always prioritized others life than mine. I hate my self for being so weak! I can't stand alone, I always depend on others and find someone to blame. I hate my self, I hate the way I am. Sometimes it made me think if love does really exist, cause if it do. The world won't look that bad after all. I know there are other people who has bigger problems than mine. I don't wanna take my own life cause I'm afraid. I pray that God would end my sufferings, in His own way. I just want my life to end...I'm so tired.

Last song syndrome: Pieces - Sum 41

More Free Music at

I tried to be perfect,
But nothing was worth it,
I don’t believe it makes me real.
I thought it’d be easy,
But no one believes me,
I meant all the things I said.
If you believe it’s in my soul,
I’d say all the words that I know,
Just to see if it would show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I’m better off on my own.
This place is so empty,
My thoughts are so tempting,
I don’t know how it got so bad.
Sometimes it’s so crazy,
that nothing can save me,
But it’s the only thing that I have.
If you believe it's in my soul,
I’d say all the words that I know,
Just to see if it would show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I'm better off on my own.
On my own...
I tried to be perfect,
It just wasn't worth it,
Nothing could ever be so wrong.
It’s hard to believe me,
It never gets easy,
I guess I knew that all along.
If you believe it’s in my soul,
I’d say all the words that I know,
Just to see if it would show,
That I'm trying to let you know,
That I’m better off on my own.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Please don't murder my faith!

I've seen so many videos about religions, demons and other kinds of stuffs. It's like a religion battle of "What is the best religion". People go turning down and discriminate. My family is a Christian, I am Christian but i don't go to church every Sunday, but that doesn't mean I'm turning my back on my own religion, I don't want to follow false beliefs because i know from myself that there's only One God to prove you all wrong, and that's our creator. I believe we won't exist without a creator, I'm not sure bout His name but I know he'll save us in any struggles and pain. It doesn't matter what we have and what we don't have now. What matters most is the afterlife. Because everything in world is just temporary. People making up stories "Based on Facts" as they say to destroy our faith.. In spite of those, IT'S JUST IGNORANCE! People using God's name for their own benefit. Satanic organization, Baphomet, and other demon stuffs makes me sick. I'm a Satan hater myself, he'll conquer us, he'll destroy us. Youtube videos about Baphomet followers is just a joke, we all know we can't get values spreading Satan's words and deeds..


Let's take a quick review of this movie...


An American Crime is the most disturbing movie I've ever seen in my whole life! This movie had me sleepless nights. It's a story of a 16 year old girl who was tortured and burned to death. Based on a true story happened in the late 60's in the state of Indiana...When Sylvia and Jenny Likens was left in the care of Gertrude Baniszewski, while their parents are working in a carnival across the country. The deal is 20 dollars a week will be paid to Gertrude. When the payments failed to arrive on time, Gertie starts giving them the belt, knelt down with bruises. The situation gone worst when Paula(the eldest daughter of Gertrude) start spreading false rumors about Sylvia, saying that Sylvia is a prostitute. Gertie take actions of those rumors and burned it on Sylvia's tummy saying: "I am a prostitute and proud of it". Everyday, Sylvia's life went through hell in Gertrude's hands. She shoved a Coca cola bottle into her vagina, she was starved, she was out of priviledge to use the bathroom, she burned her fingertips with cigarettes, forced her to eat her own feces, urine and vomit, she was pushed down the stairs and tied down at the basement after her attempt to escape, and the worst part...Gertrude allow some kids in the neighborhood to beat Sylvia. Jenny couldn't do anything because Gertrude threatened her to receive the same treatment as Sylvia if she said a word.

October 26, 1965, Sylvia was found dead on a mattress at the basement...Cause of death are malnutrition and Internal bleeding. Ricky, a family friend who was there when it all happened called the police. The police arrived and began the investigation, while Gertrude keep insisting that Sylvia was just faking. Jenny approaches them and says, "Get me out of here and I'll tell you everything.". Gertrude is found guilty of first degree murder but was released on parole.

There are lots of videos about child abuse on Youtube. Sylvia Likens in one of the victims of Child Abuse. If you'll just take time to see and listen. There are many children suffering and die everyday ...remember Sylvia Likens, A sweet innocent girl who suffered and died at a young age....because of child abuse.

See Likens based movies for more information: An American crime, The Girl Next Door

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Something stupid!

Damn! Mum needs to pay for a new set of locks for our door cause i f^ckin' broke it yesterday... One for the main door, and one for the back door.. I broke it cause i lost my keys and i can't get in, i'm already late for my next class and i haven't eat my lunch yet. My conscience is killing me when i woke up this morning so decided not to take my 100pesos allowance to ease up my mum's savings in replacing the locks. I really had this hot temper, i lose my patience easily. I go to school this morning bringing only my ride fare, and some couple sticks of cigarretes to relieve hunger. I've regret how could i do such a thing... when i lose my temper i've done such things that i would regret lately. That would've never happen if i didn't do it!

A tribute to the world's piece of sunshine...

Remember Brittany Murphy 


It’s something i made for Brittany Murphy who passed away last December 20, 2009. At the age of 32, she died due to cardiac arrest. Police reports says that they’ve found prescription drugs at her home, her mother found her unconscious in the bathroom and urgently called for help. Paramedics arrived and performed CPR and rushed her to a hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival.

Brittany’s been my sister’s favorite since 1995’s hit movie ‘Clueless.. I remember i was still 5 years old when i saw that movie. So sad she had to die to soon, life’s really short so make out the best of it!

A Sad Christmas...

My Christmas vacation…same ol’ boring day, everyday’s just an ordinary day.
Well, i’m not really happy about last Christmas because my sister didn’t came home because she had to work in the city for the company’s big holiday bonus. My parents didn’t have time to celebrate and i didn’t know why. Me and my girlfriend had fight that’s why Christmas didn’t turned out great for me because i was so alone. I spend the whole night crying, i was very disappointed, expecting that Christmas would be the happiest event of the year. At around 1:00 in the morning, i went out to a nearby internet shop to relieve stress and depression and gone home at 3AM. In addition to my sadness, my favorite actress Brittany Murphy died on Dec.20,2009. I was really saddened bout her death when i heard the news. I'm really having a hard time to celebrate.

But New Year turned out to be the opposite of my sadness last Christmas, my sister came home and stayed for 2 nights and 2 days. We have lots of food on the table to share for the “meja noche” and we stayed out too late and take pictures. On January 1, morning. Me, my girlfriend and her workmates spend a break on the beach to escape the pressures on the city, there we celebrated. I play couple of my favorite songs on my guitar and they sang along. We got drunk, and i got very full that i could barely stand up.