Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's Monday!

Greetings everyone, just got out from Literature class. I got home early, browsing the internet. I dropped my Rizal class scheduled 5:30-7:00PM, that's why I only got one scheduled on Mondays and Wednesdays class. It's been a week now since i made this blog... Since last week is the checking of this blog, I wonder how's my grade going on, I've put on so much thoughts, ideas, and effort for this project. I also enjoy posting any kinds of stuffs here. Even though my English is complicated... Watch out for more of my post, I'm beginning to enjoy blogging. I'll be posting more reviews of movies, songs and some stories and songs i wrote.  I hope Mr. Diaz would give me a good grade. Even though i don't like listening to any discussions, i just want it hands on, i just want to see my own product. I'm more on creative stuffs more than studying. Examination is fast approaching, gotta study my lessons in able to get a high grade to catch up.

I don't really had a goodnight sleep last night, I had a terrible migrane which made it harder for me to sleep. I had this hereditay allergies called Skin Asthma or also know as  Dermatitis, sadly there's no cure for this disease, my doctor said i have minor migrane because of my allergies, I also have this rashes coming out..Well it sucks, I woke up in the middle of the night because of the itchness.

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